5 Best Reasons why you need more passion in your life

Reason 1: To start your passion project

To be more interesting!

WTF! It’s true – people love people with passion – we all want more passion in our lives!

Here’s what changes. You go from:

“Hey, How are you?”…….. – ‘Oh, same old, same old!’


“Hey, How are you?”………. – ‘I was picking photos for a book I am publishing’

BAM! – now that’s interesting.

So, what’s your interest?

Reason 2 to find your passion project is to make money doing what you love!

Imagine that – actually earning money for doing something that comes SO easy to you that you love!

I remember the first concert where I got paid to sing. WHAT! I thought – you’re paying me for doing what I’d do for free! Imagine – people will pay you to do more of what you love. When it’s your passion project and you dare to ask.

And you know what else – when you’re paid, you’re a professional. Bottom line. That’s a mindset worth having to help build your passion project into a side hustle.

So what would you love to get paid to do?

Reason 3 to start your passion project is to gain autonomy over your work.

If you dislike your day job, chances are it’s because you want more freedom.  You don’t get to choose how you fill your day.  You don’t have autonomy or choice, or as much as you’d like. 

Maybe you don’t have the ability to choose the projects you work on,  or who you work with (often more critical) and importantly at what speed.  Someone else sets the pace. 

Worse, if you’ve got a micro-managers it can feel like you don’t have the freedom to work in a way that feels natural and adult to you.

If you start you’re passion project – it’s your call.  Imagine choosing how to fill your day, to be free to do as much as you like, to choose who’s in your tribe and who you work with and you get to choose the pace and the priority.  Sounds bliss.  

Reason 4 to start your passion project: You’ll decrease your stress levels.

We live in a world of data overload.  It takes 7 minutes to get your head back in the game after you’ve been distracted.  So every time your phone pings and you check it, it’s going to take you 7 minutes to focus back on whatever it was you were doing.  What was it again?  

That means you’re struggling to keep way too many things in your head.  Stress hormones these days are constantly in the “on” position. Traffic, deadlines, bills, and everything else are keeping the stress levels “on” for longer – all with constant interruption. One of the best ways to turn them off is to engage in a pleasurable activity. Something you are passionate about, something which helps you get into the flow, something where you turn you’re phone off and disconnect – because you love it so much you want to give it your full focus.  When you have fewer stress hormones, you stop this vicious cycle and unplug. 

By working on something like a side hustle, a creative pastime like music you get to turn that switch to the off, or at least to the pause position. For most of us, just by dedicating a little time to correcting this imbalance, you’ll start to notice increased energy, a decrease in body fat, and improved well-being.

Fancy hanging out with other like-minded people also looking for less stress in their lives?

Reason 5 to start your passion project: you actually build a legacy.

When I work with clients, this comes up time and time again – I want to leave a legacy, to make my mark.

Think about how your kids, partner, or friends describe you. They are definitely not going to talk about your overtime hours or the number of mindless meetings you’ve attended achieving your candy crush high score. 

How do you want them to describe you?  What do you want to be remembered for?  

Create your legacy doing something you love and inspire your kids, your spouse and your friends too. 

In the work I do I help you get the life or career you actually want.  Working with me you’ll get clear on what you really want, create safety around any fears blocking your way and we get there faster than you thought possible.  

Book a totally free session with me when you're ready to make that change you promised yourself.