FEAR could be an acronym for Face Everything And Rise (also an awesome track by Papa Roach)
Familiar mindset stuff right – Feel the fear and do it Anyway! ‘Do something that scares you every day’. There is a lot to be said for recognizing where our fears show up, but honestly, I think it is a lot of old bullsh*t.
That fear is there for a reason, it is telling you something that is worth checking into – so what is underlying that fear? It could be like a re-run on TV – a story that you tell yourself and get stuck in every time you get close to something big – like setting up your own business or following that passion you’ve always dreamed of!
It’s totally normal – we all get to feel that when we are taking a step towards something super big and important that might change our lives! The key when you feel this is definitely to face everything – so get familiar with the fear and also explore what might help you create safety around that feeling.
By ignoring it (Just face and rise!) you’re suppressing it – and suppressing any kind of feeling is super bad news – just try telling you’re kids to not get excited on Christmas Eve – see how that works out for you (and them too – I see a lifetime in therapy!). So allow the fear to surface slowly and then work out what you need to do to create safety around it. If it’s money – maybe check the reality of your savings. If it’s loss of status, check in with what you really want in life and what that actually means you have to give up. In every case, check the evidence, check what’s real for you and what you might make real in order to tackle that fear, and then you decide how and when you face everything and rise
When you’re getting close to something really important: launching your passion project or starting that side hustle then all kinds of fears show up.
Fears like ‘I can’t move on from my big corporate job, I’ll never earn enough money’. ‘I can’t set up on my own, I dont know how’.
I want to make it super clear – this is totally normal and you’re totally normal. It’s normal to feel fear when you’re about to embark on a big change – this happens to all of us. That fear is there to help you and the work you have to do is to work out what it’s telling you, what’s real and then how you create safety around it.
So, what’s the fear telling you? It can be simple – a fear of no regular income could be a fear of being vulnerable, a fear of public failure (if income is a measure of your self-worth) or a fear of not being able to fulfill your commitments.
It’s important to talk it out (or better – write it out) because as you voice it then you realize that some of the fear is actually real (you have got bills to pay) and some of it’s completely in your head. A fear orgy going on in your head which you can break up when you list it out. When you’re clear on what’s real then you can start to build safety. It might be that you work out exactly what income you need (as opposed to what you previously earned) or what success looks like in your terms.
And that’s key – feel the fear, work out what it’s telling you and what’s real then work on how you can feel safer around the real stuff. Once you’ve created safety then moving closer towards you’re goal feels a whole lot easier – you’ve moved another roadblock out the way and can get on with being and doing what you love.
I help you get the life or career you actually want. Working with me you’ll get clear on what you really want, create safety around any fears blocking your way and we get there faster than you dreamed possible.