Ever seen those Olympians talk through how they visualize every single step of their race?
They see themselves crossing the line, they see themselves on the podium winning the Gold – they step into the ‘BEING’ of winning before their foot has even hit the track.
Ever fancied being a runner, not an Olympian, just a regular runner?
Right now, you slouch on the couch, eat junk food more often than you should, you think about exercise but find a ton of reasons to do other stuff first. Right now, you’re feeding your mind stories about your body and your capability.
You’ve created your own ‘I’m not a runner’ pattern. If you had these patterns, BEING the same every day – would you expect to wake up tomorrow as a fit, fast runner?
No of course you wouldn’t!
If you fancy yourself as a runner then the first step is you decide to BE a runner.
You change the way you think and how you show up each day. You may not outwardly resemble a runner, you make walk and wheeze more than you run, but you’d be showing up differently.
Inwardly – you’re BE-coming a runner. Every time you shift that old pattern and pull on your kit, hit the road and try your best, you’re breaking that old slouch, couch pattern.
Inevitably, what will happen is those running results you dreamt of will take care of themselves and before you know it – you are a runner.
Do you see – you had to BE there first.
🔑Same is true in business –
If your ambition is a Million Dollar business then you have to start thinking, talking and acting like you’re already there – that means visualizing who you are when you show up in a Million Dollar Business. Leading conversations like you’re running a Million Dollar business and BEING the Million dollar business owner that you know you can become.
I help you get the life or career you actually want. Working with me you’ll get clear on what you really want, create safety around any fears blocking your way and we get there faster than you dreamed possible.