My Top Recommended Reads

The Chimp Paradox by Prof. Steve Peters is the book by my bedside right now. 

I completely love how it explains in super simple language what happens when you’re emotions take over and you feel like – WTF! – I didn’t mean to say it like that, or you get super reactive to everything and everyone around you.

When that is going on – that’s your inner chimp.  

When you have those days when you say – I don’t want to feel like this!  That’s a chimp day.  And what’s so cool is that this book acknowledges that this chimp is always there, it’s not something you can ever get rid of (because those emotions and reactions make us awesomely human and as much as we hate them – they also bring us loads of cool stuff too).  

What this books teaches is how to handle you’re inner chimp – because it’s a chimp it’s at least 5x stronger than you’re inner human – you’re never going to defeat it so you’ve got to learn to manage it.  

It’s so simple and so liberating!  I can’t recommend it enough – another book I’ll be gifting to my awesome clients to help them handle their own chimps so they get to do more of what they love  

I help you get the life or career you actually want.  Working with me you’ll get clear on what you really want, create safety around any fears blocking your way and we get there faster than you dreamed possible.  

Book a totally free session with me when you're ready to make that change you promised yourself.